Before you enter new relationships post-divorce, it’s important that you focus in on what you need first. Re-entering the dating world post-divorce comes with it’s own set of challenges. Chances are, you two were married for quite some time— and in case you haven’t noticed, the ways of dating have changed quickly… and a lot. So, before you get back out there, it’s time for a quick bit of self-love. Before you get involved with someone new, let’s focus in on you…

Practicing Self-Love Before Dating After Divorce

One of the hardest things after a divorce, is finding confidence again. It’s not uncommon that your self-worth will dwindle a bit when it’s all going down. Your divorce likely took a good bit of your strength and good will. A separation, no matter how civil, is extremely hard on you. You both must now take a life you were working really hard on, and divide it up. So, before you jump back into the dating pool— find that love for yourself again.

If a divorce has taught you anything, it should be that you have to put yourself first sometimes. While the divorce itself is difficult, after a while, you might find that you’re better than ever before. You have, now, something that is entirely your own. Maybe that’s a home, a car, a business, or even just your own room in an apartment. Find ways, in the hard times, to take pride in what you’ve accomplished after one of the most trying times in your life!

Find ways to trust again

It’s extremely hard to open back up after you’ve gone through a divorce. Maybe you were experiencing a cheating spouse, an abusive one, or maybe the marriage has merely fallen apart. No matter how it went down, there were a few promises that you two made to each other, and inevitably, on or both of you broke them. Coming back from that can take a lot of time, and it may shake your belief that love and relationships are worth while. This is completely understandable. However, re-entering the dating world with a chip on your shoulder can keep you from being open to the idea of something real once again.

Get comfortable on your own first

One of the most rattling things about a divorce, can be that for the first time in years— you’re on your own. Especially if you don’t have kids, this can be quite alarming for some. However, if you give it a few weeks— you might find that being on your own is comfortable. For a portion of your life, however much it maybe be, you’ve shared your personal space with someone else. Before you go throwing someone else into the mix, explore this new space. Find comfortability in your time alone, and come to enjoy it a little bit.

Fall asleep on your couch, use the bathroom with the door open, eat Cheetos at 6:00 a.m… practicing self-love means spending time with your self first. After you get comfortable doing that, and reacquainted with yourself, by all means, hit the ground running You, and only you, know when that right time is. So when you find it, and yourself, we wish you the best of luck!