If you’ve been through, or are currently experiencing, a divorce— you know that time doesn’t stop moving. You still have bills to pay, kids to take care of, and a job to do. Surviving work during divorce can be incredibly tough. Chances are, you’re distracted, you’re upset, and you have a million other things on your plate. So, we’re going to help. Below, you’re going to find a list of methods for surviving work during divorce. No one said you have to be perfect, and you’ll get your chance to vent. But, for now, there’s a job to do and you’ve got this.

Surviving Work During Divorce: Making It Through When Life Won’t Slow Down

Decide how much to share

I don’t know the nature of your workplace— but, you do. You know whether there’s someone you can talk to about your troubles or not. Gauge that atmosphere and react accordingly. If you have the opportunity and feel comfortable, find someone to let in. Whether that’s your boss, a close co-worker, or someone. You’re likely going to have to take a day off here and there for proceedings or mediation. So, if you have the opportunity, let one person in.

Use it as an opportunity to focus on something else

Chances are, you have a good bit of work to do when you’re at work; take advantage of that. You need an outlet when you’re going through divorce— everyone does. So, if you can, make work your outlet. It’s always been separate from your personal life, why change that in a time when you need to escape your personal life? Maybe you’re not that great at compartmentalizing, and if you’re not— you might not find so much success in this. But, if you can, work can become a safe space.

Write everything down

Even if you’re able to block out the tough stuff, distraction is always one small thought away. Let’s face it— it can be easy to slip up on something at work when your home life is hectic. So, make sure you’re taking note now more than ever. Fill your calendar, and don’t count on your brain to do it’s job— right now, it’s working overtime. So, make sure you’re taking note of everything and anything that’s important.

Find a zen space

That zen space doesn’t have to be a physical place to escape to— it can be anything. Surviving work during divorce can be extremely hard, don’t think you’ll be an exception. So, account for that. Find something that can make you calm in an instant. Whether that be a small reminder (a photo of your kids, a cheesy quote, what have ya), or a stress ball— anything. Something personal and relaxing to you can be a saving grace in this tough time. We wish you luck as you move forward.