At this moment, you are newly divorced, or on the way to be. On top of everything else you have to worry about, redecorating is a part of those things. However, you shouldn’t see this as a chore! Decorating post-divorce is a way that self-expression can come through in your living space.

Decorating Post-divorce: Your Own Way

Figuring Out Your Style

After living with someone for a while, you have to re-figure out your style. In a relationship many compromises are made-including decor. Together, you may have decided among other things: what color the walls should be, what style of furniture, what decorations are hung on the wall. But now, you’re alone in a new place and you have the freedom to do whatever you want. So go crazy! 

Or, if you kept the house you can redecorate. For example, letting go of things that remind you of your ex, rearrange the furniture, or even start collecting things that bring you joy. The list goes on when you get to decorate post-divorce.

Shopping on a Budget 

Well, you may not be able to go as crazy as you like if you have to shop on a budget. It’s important to buy the things that you need before you do the things you want. If you’re worried about expensive couches, try stores that are lower priced first. For example, IKEA is a great store with quality furniture at low prices. If that doesn’t work out, look up discounts on furniture at certain stores. Maybe, there’s sales that you can take advantage of! Above all, make sure you’re aware of all the corners you can cut when decorating post-divorce.

Being Thrifty

Thrift stores and antique malls are fantastic for many reasons. For one, you will find great items for cheap there. Likewise, the prices at garage sales, estate sales, and flea markets are also low compared to furniture from major brands. It’s good to keep an eye out in the summer and spring because that’s garage and estate sale season. This is also fun because it brings a unique style that you may want when decorating post-divorce. Quirky and one-of-a-kind items are hard to find elsewhere. Considering this, you will have to be a little cautious when being thrifty. Sometimes, a good deal can end up being a scam.

Decorating post-divorce may seem intimidating at first. After all, this is probably your first time in a long time, or ever, decorating by yourself. However, you shouldn’t feel intimidated! This is exciting because you get to make your new space yours. Do it in a way that’s you and fiscally responsible.