Many parents like to put together a co-parenting plan after they divorce. However, if you’re solo parenting post-divorce, then you’ll have to handle those responsibilities by yourself. At first, this can seem pretty daunting. Thankfully, there are some ways you can make the job easier for yourself…

Solo Parenting Post-Divorce: How To Adjust

Develop a support system

Just because you’re solo parenting post-divorce doesn’t mean you can’t ask for some extra help. In fact, during this time you can see who will really be there to have your back. Creating the right parenting support system can make help with preventing those responsibilities from overwhelming you.

You probably already have friends and family who will be able to lend you a hand. For instance, your parents can babysit when you need to either go to work or do something else, saving you the money you would’ve spent on a professional babysitter. You close friends can also help you out when it becomes hard to manage your parenting life. 

Create new routines

Practically everyone has a daily routine that they like to stick to. With solo parenting post-divorce, however, your old, familiar routine may need to change to something new. You might even need to create several routines depending on your kids, like if they’re in school at different times.

Take some time to think about what you need to take care of and how they can best be incorporated into a routine. If your kids in school, for example, then a good routine will help them get up and ready for school on time while also making sure you can get to work. You should also be sure to include some relaxation time these routines.

Establish basic ground rules

Solo parenting post-divorce tends to be stressful for some parents because now they have to balance both disciplining and having fun with the kids. If you aren’t used to this, then it can be hard to strike a good balance. After all, you want to make sure that you are raising them right, but also don’t want them to be unhappy either. 

A helpful way to avoid this is by laying down some basic ground rules and enforcing them constructively. It’s a lot more positive to correct your kids and tell them why and when they should “be respectful” than just punishing them if they’re rude. If extra discipline is necessary, keep in non-physical and help them understand the problem with what they did