When most people think of children and a divorce, they have younger kids in minds. However, in some cases, your parents may divorce while you’re an adult. Adult child coping methods are much different from those meant for their younger counterparts. As a result, it’s important to know what might work better for you…

Adult Child Coping Methods

Don’t take sides

One of the key adult child coping methods is trying to remain neutral. It’s always an unfortunate situation when people divorce, especially when it’s your own family. However, you have to remember that this isn’t your divorce. Rather, this is something that has to be settled between your parents.

It’s not a healthy dynamic if you start to take sides in the divorce. This is hard, especially now that you’re an adult. Still, while you can offer support, you need to make sure it’s within proper limits. It won’t be good for anyone if you get too involved in the divorce process.

Set clear boundaries

Another of the important adult child coping methods are setting clear boundaries. As an adult, your family dynamics aren’t the only thing you have to worry about. You might have to consider things like your work, school, and other responsibilities. It can be hard to handle these if your parents only lean on you for support.

That’s why you need to set clear boundaries with your parents. Let them know you have your own things you need to worry about. While you want to support them, you can’t be their only source of support. They have to build a good, strong support network for themselves, rather than just turn to you.

Don’t let it define you

A common issue with adult children who have divorcing parents is they feel like they’ll be destined to follow that same path of divorce. This can have serious consequences for current or potential future relationships that they’re in. As a result, rejecting this line of thought is another of the crucial adult child coping methods.

Remember that, while you might learn a lot from your parents, you are sill your own person. In fact, this is a good time to learn what you should avoid doing in a relationship. You don’t need all the details, but seeing what caused strain between your parents can help you avoid making those same mistakes yourself.