Spousal Spying: How To Protect Yourself 

When it comes to divorce, things can get ugly rather quickly. Spousal spying can be one of those nasty tactics your spouses uses in order to sabotage your divorce case. So what can you do to prevent your spouse from getting information about your personal life?...

Protecting Finances: Splitting with Your Money

When it comes to your divorce, it can be difficult to divide things up fairly. A lot of times, people assume that dividing assets fairly always means equally. But is it fair to split something that your partner did not contribute to? If you don’t believe so,...

Preventing Credit Damage In Your Divorce

When it comes to divorce, it can do a number on your finances. But you want to do everything you can to keep it from harming your credit score. So here’s some tips for preventing credit damage in your divorce. Preventing Credit Damage Cancel Joint Accounts When...

Name Change: Should I Ditch My Ex’s Name?

After going through your divorce, you may want to wipe away every memory of your husband. So what does that mean for your last name? If you took your husband’s last name, should you change it after the divorce? Here’s a few factors to consider before doing...