When it comes to filing for divorce, you may have some second thoughts. Should you stick it out longer? Could it get better? Is it best for the kids? Odds are, you’ll have these doubts when filing, throughout your divorce, and maybe even some time after. So here’s some tips for surviving second thoughts about your divorce.

Surviving Second Thoughts About Your Divorce

Accept That it’s Totally Normal 

One of the first steps in surviving second thoughts about your divorce is to accept them. When it comes to the end of your marriage, it’s difficult to tell if it’s the right thing. And even when it’s obviously the best choice, that doesn’t make it easy to walk away from without questioning it.

You may have spent many years with this person. You’ve invested your time and life. So it’s normal to question if it’s really time to call it quits.

Write Down the Reasons Why You Filed 

When you are having doubts, it’s best to try to get perspective. During this time, your emotions can be all erratic and confusing. So writing down the reasons why you filed for divorce can help give you some clarity. Take some time to really remember what issues lead to your marriage ending. Can you remember them? Are they deal breakers and has anything changed?

Write Down Why You Are Considering Going Back 

Once again, stick to writing things down to give you clarity. But for this step in surviving second thoughts, you want to write down the reasons why you think you should go back. Can you name any? How do your reasons for filing fit into your desire to try again.

Missing Your Ex Doesn’t Mean You Want To Try Again 

It’s possible you’re lonely and it’s even more possible that you’re missing your ex. It’s certainly normal to miss someone that filled such a significant roll in your life. But just because you miss them doesn’t mean you want to re-enter a relationship with them. Although, these emotions can often feel similar, which makes it confusing. So for surv

Realize It Takes Two 

If you come to the point that you consider trying again, you must realize it takes two. In general, trying again in a marriage can be even harder than trying the first time around. So in order to try, you need both member to be totally on board.