It can be scary to consider the prospect of post-divorce dating. You might worry about how to go about it, or wonder when, if ever, you’ll be ready to give it a shot. Couple this with potential pressure from friends or family to start dating again and it can make the whole situation very complicated. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be. Making use of the tips put together here can help you get ready for the world of post-divorce dating…

Post-Divorce Dating: Making Yourself Ready

Forget Time Limits

With post-divorce dating, it can feel difficult to figure out when you should be starting to date again. Should you give it a month, three months, or a year after your divorce? Potentially even longer? The answer depends on when you feel ready again. Rushing into dating again while still trying to process your divorce can cause more problems than if you allow yourself to grieve and reflect. If you don’t give yourself time to process these emotions, you might carry them over into your new relationships, putting unnecessary stress onto them.

Your “Ex” Factor

Are you still thinking about what your ex is doing or if they’re dating again? If so, then you might want to be careful about post-divorce dating. You can impact your ability to start a new, happy relationship with someone new by being heavily distracted with thoughts about your ex. Sometimes, people will jump into relationships to prove something to their ex. It might be to prove they’ve moved on or don’t need them. Ironically, their ex is what ends up being on their mind the most. Remember that you and your ex are now two separate people again. It’s more important to find that happiness for yourself than to prove something to an ex.

Be Open-Minded

After being in a committed relationship, it can be stressful to think about how to date again. You might feel out-of-the-loop for what you should be doing, or what you should expect your date to do. Open-mindedness helps one to deal with this doubt. Being open to trying new experiences after a divorce shows that you might be ready to try dating again. This open-mindedness can also give you new ideas for potential dates. Open-mindedness about newer ways to date, like online dating or dating apps, is also a good thing to try. These can be great ways to meet people if you feel like it’s harder to do more “traditional” methods of dating these days.

Starting post-divorce dating can be a scary time, but it can also be an exciting one. Making sure you’re fully ready to date again will allow you to make the most out of your dates, and potentially find the true right person for you.