Divorce Baggage: Letting It Go

After your divorce is over, you can still be feeling the emotional challenges from it. This divorce baggage can be difficult to deal with, and impact your future relationships. However, there are ways for you to unload this baggage in a healthy and productive...

High Divorce Rate Jobs

There are very little jobs that have no stress. In fact, some would argue that a job is not a job if it doesn’t bring stress to your life. While this may not be a positive outlook, at some point you’ve probably agreed. The stress from jobs can be brought home...

De-escalating Conflict: Reducing Tensions

Divorce can be an emotional and painful process for people. These emotions can make it difficult to have peaceful divorce process. However, there are some strategies you can try for de-escalating conflict. These strategies can help with keeping your divorce moving...

Angry Ex: How To Handle Them

Divorce stirs up a lot of different emotions, and anger does tend to be one of the most common. When you have to deal with an angry ex, your divorce can become significantly more complicated. However, there are still ways to handle this anger and work towards a...